Ridomil gold

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Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG 0.25 kg | T02252 - Gazdabolt.hu. A Ridomil Gold MZ 2,5 kg/ha adagban a felszívódó és kontakt hatóanyaga révén külső és belső védelmet nyújt a növénynek a betegségek ellen. A mefenoxam a permetezés után 30 perc múlva felszívódik és a növényben csúcsirányba szállítódik.. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG, Syngenta, mefenoxam, mankoceb, szőlő, uborka .. Gombaölo Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG ridomil gold


hirdetes. Intézmények | Növényfajták | Növényvédő szerek | Szakszótár | Törvény, rendelet. Peronoszpórafélék ellen megújulva, csak tiszta, aktív hatóanyaggal ridomil gold. Hatóanyag: 4% mefenoxam + 64% mankoceb. Felhasználható: - szőlő, uborka, dohány, vöröshagyma, borsó, komló, repce, szója .. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG 0.25 kg - Gazdabolt Kertcentrum. A Ridomil Gold MZ 2,5 kg/ha adagban a felszívódó és kontakt hatóanyaga révén külső és belső védelmet nyújt a növénynek a betegségek ellen ridomil gold. A mefenoxam a permetezés után 30 perc múlva felszívódik és a növényben csúcsirányba szállítódik ridomil gold. Ezáltal védelmet nyújt az új hajtások részére is.. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG - gombaölő szer - Agroinform.hu. Növényvédőszer-adatbázis ridomil gold. 18 találat. Előző. 1. 2. Következő. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG - Gombaölő szer. Növényvédő szer neve: Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG ridomil gold. Rendeltetés: Gombaölő szer. Hatóanyag összetétel: Mankoceb, Metalaxil-M. Légi kijuttatás: nem. Ökológiai gazdálkodásban eng.: nem. Engedély érvényesség: 2016.08.28. Engedély száma: 04.2/5415-2/2016.. Ridomil Gold Plusz 42.5 WP 0.5 kg - Gazdabolt Kertcentrum. Hatásspektrum és dózis: Sorzáródásig kontakt készítménnyel védekezzünk (pl. réz) ami védelmet nyújt a korai rizoktóniás, alternáriás és fitoftórás fertőzések ellen. A sorzáródást követően kezdjük a Ridomil Gold MZ-vel való permetezést 2,5 kg/ha dózisban.. Ridomil Gold Plus 42,5 WP - Győri Agroker Zrt.. A Ridomil Gold MZ felszívódó és kontakt hatóanyaga révén külső és belső védelmet nyújt a növénynek a betegségek ellen. A mefenoxam a permetezés után 30 perc múlva felszívódik és a növényben csúcsirányba szállítódik. Ezáltal védelmet nyújt az új hajtások részére is.. Ridomil Gold 42,5 WP Plus gombaölő permetezőszer 500 g - Profigazda.hu. Vélemények. Szállítási infók. Ridomil Gold Plus 42,5 WP Hatóanyag: 2,5% mefenoxam + 40% réz rézoxiklorid formájában Felhasználható: szőlő-, őszi felszedésű hagyma-, borsó-, komló-, szója kultúrákban peronoszpóra ellen. Burgonyában, paradicsomban fitoftóra elleni védekezésre. Dísznövényekben fitoftórás tőpusztulás ellen.. Ridomil Gold SL - Fungicide Product & Label Information - Syngenta US. Ridomil Gold SL is a Group 4 fungicide that protects vegetables, citrus, potatoes and tree nuts from soil-borne oomycete diseases ridomil gold. It has a clear, easy-to-use formulation and flexible application methods for at-planting treatment.. Gombaölő : Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG 0,25 kg - zemplenmag.hu. Leírás. A Ridomil Gold MZ 2,5 kg/ha adagban a felszívódó és kontakt hatóanyaga révén külső és belső védelmet nyújt a növénynek a betegségek ellen ridomil gold

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. A mefenoxam a permetezés után 30 perc múlva felszívódik és a növényben csúcsirányba szállítódik. Ezáltal védelmet nyújt az új hajtások részére is.. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG gombaölő permetezőszer 250 g - Profigazda.hu ridomil gold. A Ridomil Gold MZ 2,5 kg/ha adagban a felszívódó és kontakt hatóanyaga révén külső és belső védelmet nyújt a növénynek a betegségek ellen. A mefenoxam a permetezés után 30 perc múlva felszívódik és a növényben csúcsirányba szállítódik. Ezáltal védelmet nyújt az új hajtások részére is. ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold Plus 42,5 WP 40 g - kreativkert.hu. A Ridomil Gold Plus a felszívódó mefenoxam és kontakt rézoxi-klorid hatóanyagai révén külső és belső védelmet nyújt a növénynek a betegségek ellen ridomil gold. A mefenoxam a permetezést követően 30 perc múlva felszívódik és a növényben csúcsirányba szállítódik, ezáltal védi az új hajtásokat is.. RIDOMIL® Gold MZ WG | Fungicide - Syngenta Australia. Composition: 640 g/kg. Mancozeb. 40 g/kg. Metalaxyl-M. Activity Group: Group 4 Fungicide. Group M3 Fungicide. Formulation: Water-dispersable Granule | WG ridomil gold. Product Overview. Application Advice

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. Links and downloads. Product overview. Controls downy mildew and certain foliar diseases. Application Advice ridomil gold. Mixing and spraying. ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold - Fungicides | Syngenta ridomil gold. RIDOMIL GOLD® MZ 68 WG is a leading fungicide for control of important diseases caused by the Oomycete fungi. Crop Protection. Pack size: 1 kg , 250g and 50g. Active Ingredient. Metalaxyl-M 40g/Kg. Mancozeb 640g/Kg. Formulation: Wettable granules (WG) Rates: Per 20l Knapsack - 50gm. Per Acre - 1kg. Per Hectare - 2.5kg. PHI (Days) - 7.. RIDOMIL® Gold Plus | Fungicide - Syngenta Australia. RIDOMIL Gold Plus is a wettable powder fungicide that controls various fungal diseases on brassica vegetables, cucumbers, leeks, grapevines, macadamias, potatoes, radish, swede, spring onions, turnip and ornamentals. It contains 390 g/kg copper and 50 g/kg metalaxyl-M and has a product overview, application advice, links and downloads on the web page.. Ridomil Gold - SYNGENTA Fungicides. Ridomil Gold is a water dispersible granule formulation containing 4% w/w metalaxyl-M and 64% w/w mancozeb. It is a preventative treatment for foliar and tuber blight in maincrop potatoes. It has systemic and protective properties and should be applied before the onset of disease. The web page provides detailed instructions, links, and information for registered users. ridomil gold. RIDOMIL® Gold 480 SL | Fungicide - Syngenta Australia. RIDOMIL Gold 480 SL. Fungicide ridomil gold. Authorisation Number: 64812. Composition: 480 g/L. Metalaxyl-M

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. Activity Group: Group 4 Fungicide. Formulation: Soluble Concentrate | SL ridomil gold. Product Overview. Application Advice ridomil gold. Links and downloads. Product overview.. Ridomil Gold 480 SL - Fungicide | Syngenta. 08.01.2024

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. Fungicide ridomil gold. Product Overview ridomil gold. Links and downloads. Product overview. FUNGICIDE GROUP 4 ridomil gold. A soluble concentrate systemic fungicide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated. Links and Downloads. picture_as_pdf Ridomil_gold_480_sl_infograph_afr.pdf (1.36 MB) download.. Ridomil Gold - Fungicide | Syngenta. Ridomil Gold is a fungicide product that contains 4% Metalaxyl-M and 64% Mancozeb, two active ingredients for the control of various fungal diseases on rice and other crops. It is moderately toxic and has a Class of danger of danger. See composition, classification, security, hazard statements and links and downloads for more information.. Ridomil Gold Plus 42,5 WP - gombaölő szer - Agroinform.hu. 1. 2. Következő ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold Plus 42,5 WP - Gombaölő szer. Letölthető dokumentumok ridomil gold. Növényvédő szer neve: Ridomil Gold Plus 42,5 WP. Rendeltetés: Gombaölő szer. Hatóanyag összetétel: Metalaxil-M ridomil gold. Kultúra: Burgonya, Dísznövények, Hagymafélék, Komló, Paradicsom, Szója, Szőlő, Zöldborsó. Károsító: Burgonyavész, Fitoftórás tőpusztulás, Peronoszpóra. ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold GR - Fungicide Product & Label Information - Syngenta US. Ridomil Gold GR Fungicide. Applied as a banded or broadcast application, Ridomil Gold ® GR is a super-active granular fungicide that provides systemic control of soilborne diseases Phytophthora and Pythium ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold GR also improves plant health and vigor to citrus, cotton, leafy vegetables, non-bearing deciduous fruits and nuts, and peanuts.. Ridomil Gold Plusz 42.5 WP 0.5 kg | T02254 - Gazdabolt.hu. Penoroszpórafélék ellen csak tiszta, aktív hatóanyaggal ridomil gold. A Ridomil Gold Plus a felszívódó mefenoxam és kontakt rézoxi-klorid hatóanyagai révén külső és belső védelmet nyújt a növénynek a betegségek ellen

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. A mefenoxam a permetezést követően 30 perc múlva….. Ridomil Gold Plus 40g - Gazdabolt Kertcentrum. Termékek

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. Gombaölő szerek. Ridomil Gold Plus 40g. jelenleg nem rendelhető. MEGSZŰNT ridomil gold. Felszívódó + kontakt hatóanyagú gombaölő szer peronoszpóra ellen. Házikerti adagolása: 4 dkg / 10 liter permetlé. Hatóanyag: 2,5% mefenoxam + 40% rézoxiklorid.. Ridomil Gold Plus 42,5 WP - gombaölő szer - Agroinform. 18 találat. Előző. 1. 2. Következő. Ridomil Gold Plus 42,5 WP - Gombaölő szer. Növényvédő szer neve: Ridomil Gold Plus 42,5 WP. Rendeltetés: Gombaölő szer. Hatóanyag összetétel: Metalaxil-M. Légi kijuttatás: nem. Ökológiai gazdálkodásban eng.: nem. Engedély érvényesség: 2010.12.31. Engedély száma: 02.5/1242/2/2010. Engedély típusa: szükséghelyzeti.. Ridomil Gold 68WG - Fungicide | Syngenta. Product overview. A systemic and contact fungicide for the control of late blight, black shank and downy mildew. It has excellent disease control under difficult conditions such as climate and disease pressure, with a longer disease control period for less applications. ridomil gold. Thuốc trừ bệnh cây trồng RIDOMIL GOLD 68WG - 100gram. Mô tả: Thuốc trừ bênh Ridomil gold chứa hoạt chất Metalaxy và Mancozeb với hoạt lực tối ưu và hiệu quả. Tiêu diệt hoàn toàn nấm bệnh, phục hồi cây trồng hiệu quả. Quy cách đóng gói: 100gr. Hoạt chất: Metalaxy M 40g/kg + Mancozeb 640G/KG ridomil gold. Dạng thuốc: dạng cốm (WG). PDF Fungicide - Greenbook ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold® SL is formulated as a soluble concentrate and contains 4 lb active ingredient per gallon. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. CAUTION See additional Precautionary Statements and Directions for Use inside booklet. EPA Reg. No. 100-1202 EPA Est ridomil gold. 39578-TX-1 Product of Switzerland Formulated in the USA SCP 1202A-L2R 1120 4143251. Labels for RIDOMIL GOLD SL (100-1202) | US EPA. RIDOMIL GOLD SL ridomil gold. March 03, 2021 (PDF) 100-1202. RIDOMIL GOLD SL. November 13, 2020 (PDF) 100-1202. RIDOMIL GOLD SL. February 28, 2019 (PDF) 100-1202.. PDF č peronospore vinske trte Plasmopara viticola - Portal GOV.SI. Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite najbolje deluje v času bujne rasti rastlin. Če se je bolezen že razvila, se jo lahko zaustavi z dvakratnim tretiranjem s sredstvom Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite v presledku 5-7 dni, nato pa se nadaljuje s preventivnim tretiranjem v obi čajnih presledkih. Ob prehodu s sredstva Ridomil. PDF Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention - Us Epa. Ridomil Gold SL is a systemic fungicide for use on selected crops to control certain diseases caused by members of the Oomycete class of fungi. PRODUCT USE RESTRICTIONS Do not use Ridomil Gold SL in greenhouses or other structures such as lath houses, float houses, and hydroponic facilities.


Ridomil Gold Copper - Fungicide Product & Label Information - Syngenta US. Ridomil Gold Copper Fungicide. With a combination of Ridomil Gold ® and copper hydroxide, Ridomil Gold ® Copper provides reliable control of a variety of diseases caused by members of the Phycomycete family of fungi ridomil gold. By protecting crops from disease before infection starts, Ridomil Gold Copper preserves yield and quality in vegetables, grapes, potatoes and some fruits.. PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460. 4.4.1 ridomil gold sl alone 4.4.2 tank-mix precautions 4.4.3 tank-mix compatibility test 4.4.4 ridomil gold sl in tank mixtures 4.5 application through irrigation systems (chemigation) 4.5.1 chemigation restrictions 4.5.2 operating instructions for public water systems 4.5.3 specific instructions for public water systems. Quadris Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide - Syngenta US. Due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties, Ridomil Gold ® SL protects vegetables, citrus, potatoes and tree nuts from soilborne oomycete diseases. Ridomil Gold SL also improves stand, root health and crop vigor and has flexible application methods and a clear, easy-to-use formulation. View Product.. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG | AgroTopVSG. DELOVANJE: Ridomil Gold MZ 68-WG je kombinacija dve aktivne materije: metalaksila i mankozeba. Metalaksil-M je sistemicni fungicid iz grupe acilalanina deluje preventivno i kurativno. Inhibira sintezu proteina i tako spečava razvoj gljiva, a mankozeb kao preventivna komponenta deluje na više mesta i zaustavlja proces disanja.. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG - Crop Protection,Fungicide - Syngenta Philippines ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold® MZ 68 WG is a systemic and residual fungicide for the control of Phytophthora and late blight diseases in vegetables and pineapples Benefits. Systemic and residual fungicide for the control of Phytophtora and late blight diseases; Outstanding preventative and curative activity; Target Diseases / Rate of Application. Ridomil Gold MZ WG - SYNGENTA Fungicides ridomil gold. RIDOMIL GOLD MZ WG is a combination of a phenylamide and a dithiocarbamate fungicide. For fungicide resistance management RIDOMIL GOLD MZ WG is both a Group 4 and a Group M3 fungicide. Some naturally occurring individual fungi resistant to RIDOMIL GOLD MZ and other Group 4 and/or Group M3 fungicides may exist through normal genetic variability .. Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide 1pt - Amazon.com ridomil gold. Buy it with ridomil gold. This item: Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide 1pt. $13777 ridomil gold. +. The Andersons HumiChar Organic Soil Amendment with Humic Acid and Biochar Covers 12,000 sq ft (12 lb) $3688 ($0.19/Ounce) +. BotanoHealth Bio-Pesticides & Organic Fungicide Spray for Plants | Control & Prevent Fungus & Insects | Fungicide & Insecticide Concentrate for Indoor or .. RIDOMIL Gold MZ WG - Fungicide | Syngenta ridomil gold. RIDOMIL® Gold MZ is a fungicide for the control of Early and Late Blight in Potatoes and Tomatoes, Dryberry in Canefruit, Downy Mildew in Grapes, Onions, Cucurbits and Brassica seedbeds, Phytophthora Spear Rot in Asparagus, Phytophthora Crown Rot in Asparagus transplants, and Phytophthora Root Rots in Tree nurseries. ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold 68WG (1kg) - Thuốc trừ bệnh | Phân Dơi Số 1. Thông số kỹ thuật

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. Tên gọi: Thuốc trừ bệnh Ridomil Gold 68WG Thương hiệu: Syngenta Khối lượng tịnh: Gói 1kg Hạn sử dụng: 2 năm Thành phần ridomil gold

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. Hoạt chất: Metalaxyl M 40g/L + Mancozeb 640g/L. Công dụng. Với đặc tính thấm sâu nhanh, lưu dẫn mạnh, Ridomil Gold 68WG có hiệu quả trừ bệnh cao, bảo vệ toàn diện cây trồng, ngay . ridomil gold. PDF RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL - Plant Products. RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL Fungicide is readily absorbed by the roots and provides protection against attack from these diseases under varied weather conditions. USE LIMITATIONS: Experience has shown that strains of fungus resistant to metalaxyl-M and S-isomer may develop ridomil gold. Failure to control the disease will result in crop damage and/or yield losses.. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG - Fungisida | Syngenta ridomil gold. Penyemprotan Ridomil-Gold dimulai pada saat tanaman tomat berumur 21 hari setelah tanam, didahului dengan penyemprotan fungisida kontak pada umur 7 dan 14 hari setelah tanam. Jumlah penyemprotan 8 kali per musim dengan interval seminggu sekali ridomil gold. Diantara perlakuan Ridomil-Gold lakukan penyemprotan fungisida kontak sesuai rekomendasi.. PDF Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite - Agromanual.cz. Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite je kombinovaný pípravek obsahující dvě účinné látky (metalaxyl - M a mankozeb) s fungicidním účinkem. Metalaxyl - M je systemická fungicidní látka, která je velmi rychle pijímána zelenými částmi rostlin (do 30 minut) a transportována do listů.. PDF Ridomil Gold MZ 68WG - Syngenta. Approved Label RIDOMIL GOLD 68WG 28893 2021-10-27 Page 1 of 19 This label has been updated according to the re-evaluation decision of Mancozeb RVD2020-12 ridomil gold. While users are encouraged to follow this updated label immediately, the previously approved label is valid until 19-11-2022 in accordance with the phase out period set out in RVD2020-12.. Fungicides for Managing Phytophthora Blight in Cucurbits and Other .. Ridomil Gold SL. Can be applied as directed soil spray and through drip irrigation ridomil gold. Resistance detected commonly following years of use on a farm ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold Copper and Ridomil Gold Bravo are not labeled for Phytophthora. Zampro ridomil gold


Can be applied as soil drench at planting and through drip irrigation ridomil gold. No Long Island use.. RIDOMIL GOLD MZ 68 WG, 25 g, fungicid Syngenta - Default Store View ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG prezinta un nou tip de formulare - "pepite" - granule dispersabile in apa, cu caracteristici imbunatatite in ceea ce priveste eficacitatea si usurinta in utilizare ridomil gold. Intervalul dintre tratamente se va adapta in functie de conditiile climatice, evolutia bolii si a culturii ridomil gold. Pe parcursul unui sezon nu se vor aplica .. Фунгицид Ридомил Голд Р - Фунгицид | Syngenta. Съвети за приложение. При лозата Ридомил Голд Р се прилага в два етапа от развитието на растението: Момент на приложение 1 - първият момент на пиложение е в началото на вегетацията, по време .. Answering farmers questions on Ridomil Gold - resetagri. Ridomil Gold (Metalaxyl 4% + Mancozeb 64%) is a versatile and effective fungicide that provides exceptional crop protection against a range of oomycete diseases. It combines the systemic activity of Metalaxyl and the contact activity of Mancozeb, ensuring double protection for your plants.Key Features:Composition: Rido. Ridomil gold cena doziranje karenca - Sadnja ridomil gold. Za pakovanje Ridomil gold 1 kg cena je oko 3100 dinara u poljoprivrednoj apoteci. Kad je u pitanju ovaj Ridomil gold doziranje 25 g na 10 l vode, kod vinove loze i krompira; 25 g na 100 m2 kod paradajza; 65 g na 10 l na 10 m dužnih kod maline. Koristi se za tretiranje preventivno kada se ostvare uslovi za razvoj bolesti ili najkasnije pri .. RIDOMIL GOLD 100GMS Gold (METALAXYL 4%+MANCOZEB 64% WP)-100gms. It is mixture of both systemic and contact fungicide it ensure double protection to the target plants due to systemic activity of metalaxyl and contact activity of mancozeb. It is recommended for the leaf spot, late blight, downy mildew phytophthora foot rot, white rust and other fungicidal problems dosage-1-1.5 gms/ ltr of water.. Ridomil Gold là thuốc gì, độc không, có nên tưới gốc cây? ridomil gold. Thuốc Ridomil Gold dùng được nhiều cách thức cho cây phòng trừ bệnh, sâu hại, nấm và bệnh khác ridomil gold. Bạn có thể tưới gốc cây bình thường, cũng có thể phun toàn cây, phun lá, trét lên vết bị sâu hại. Sau khi tưới thuốc vào gốc cây thì thuốc sẽ chuyển lên trên, ngấm vào . ridomil gold. PDF RIDOMIL GOLD MZ PEPITE - unichem. Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite najbolje deluje v Ëasu bujne rasti rastlin ridomil gold. »e se je bolezen æe razvila, jo lahko zaustavite z dvakratnim tretiranjem s sredstvom Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite v presledku 5-7 dni, nato pa nada-ljujte s preventivnim tretiranjem v obiËajnih presledkih. Ob prehodu s sredstva Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite na kontaktna sredstva, je .. PDF University of Florida. University of Florida. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG - Depozitul de Seminte Pesticide, Fungicide. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG. 8.33 lei - 504.95 lei ridomil gold. Cantitate. Golește ridomil gold. SKU: Nu se aplică Categorii: Fungicide, Pesticide. Descriere. Informații suplimentare. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG este fungicid pentru combaterea manei, cu acţiune dubla sistemica si de contact. ridomil gold. PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460. Product Name: Ridomil Gold SL EPA Registration Number: 100-1202 Application Date: 12/11/2020 Decision Number: 570968 Dear Mr. Algarin: The Agency is in receipt of your Application for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Registration Notice (PRN) 98-10 for the above referenced product. The Registration Division. PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - Syngenta. RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL is a fungicide for the systemic control of several fungal pathogens in various crops and fruits. The active ingredient, metalaxyl-M, is practically non-toxic to slightly toxic to fish, birds, aquatic invertebrates and insects (bees). ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold 25 G - SYNGENTA Fungicides - agrobaseapp.com. RIDOMIL GOLD 25G is a member of the phenylamide group of fungicides. For fungicide resistance management RIDOMIL GOLD 25G is a Group 4 fungicide. Some naturally occurring individual fungi resistant to RIDOMIL GOLD 25G and other Group 4 fungicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any fungal population.. Syngenta Ridomil Gold Fungicide - 1 Kg | Metalaxy-m 4% - Agrosiaa. Key Specs. Brand - Syngenta India Ltd. Metalaxy-M 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP. Packing size - 1 Kg. Other Features And Applications. Can be Applied to Foliage, Soil or As a Seed Treatment. It Ensures a Double Protection To The Target Plants Due To Systemic Activity. Recommended For The Control Of Downy Mildew Disease In Grapes, A Late blight In Potato.. Orondis Gold - Fungicide Product & Label Information - Syngenta US. Orondis Gold (Premix) Fungicide. Orondis ® Gold fungicide, containing oxathiapiprolin and mefenoxam, delivers control or suppression of several Oomycete diseases in potatoes, strawberries, cucurbits, fruiting vegetables and tobacco. Available for use by soil application, Orondis Gold provides preventive, residual and systemic activity.. Ridomil Gold MZ -1kg | Agritab. Ridomil Gold is a systemic and contact fungicide for the control of early and late blight on potatoes, tomatoes, grapes; downy mildew in all crops including roses; fungal leaf spot diseases and damping off in vegetables. Ridomil is a fungicide trusted by farmers for control of diseases such as downy mildew, damping off and blight.. Fungicid Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG, 1 kg - SemintePlante.ro ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG este fungicid pentru combaterea manei, cu acţiune dubla: sistemica si de contact. Componenta sistemica (mefenoxam) este absorbita rapid de partile verzi ale plantei, transportata acropetal si distribuita in planta. Astfel, protejeaza planta din interior, precum si noile cresteri aparute la scurt timp dupa tratament.. Ridomil Gold SL | Syngenta LLC | Agworld DBX | Greenbook. Ridomil Gold SL Syngenta LLC. Labels. Label SDS ridomil gold. Snapshot ID: 45459 Active ingredients Mefenoxam Classification ridomil gold. 4 - Fungicide - Fungicide, Preplant/Preplant Incorporated - Fungicide, Preemergence


WSSA mode of action A1: RNA polymerase I. Registration EPA: 100-1202. Pests. Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite - SYNGENTA Fungicidas. CARACTERÍSTICAS GERAIS. Fungicida sistémico e de contacto indicado para combater os vários tipos de míldio nas culturas mencionadas e black-rot na vinha. Possui efeito preventivo, curativo e anti-esporulante e está formulado na inovadora formulação pepite que proporciona maior segurança para o aplicador e para o meio ambiente, maior . ridomil gold. Nově registrovaný fungicid Ridomil Gold plus - Uroda.cz. Po registraci Ridomilu Gold MZ 68 WP k ochraně brambor, révy a zeleniny v roce 2001 byl letos registrován další „Gold". Jde o Ridomil Gold plus 42,5 WP, kterým je nahrazen původní známý přípravek Ridomil plus 48 WP. Podobně jako jeho předchůdce bude nový Ridomil Gold plus používán především ve…. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG | Fungicides | Agroduka Limited

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. RIDOMIL GOLD controls soil and leaf diseases in a number of crops including vegetables, grapes, citrus, potatoes,ornamentals,tobacco and cotton. RIDOMIL GOLD is a highly effective fungicide for the control of Oomycete fungi (including late blight and Downy mildew). Active ingredient.. Ridomil Gold R WG - Фунгицид | Syngenta. Ridomil Gold Combi 45 WG. 50 g/kg. metalaxyl-m. 400 g/kg. folpet. Водорастворливи гранули WG. Прочитај повеќе. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG | Fungicides | Agroduka Limited. RIDOMIL GOLD controls soil and leaf diseases in a number of crops including vegetables, grapes, citrus, potatoes,ornamentals,tobacco and cotton. RIDOMIL GOLD is a highly effective fungicide for the control of Oomycete fungi (including late blight and Downy mildew). Active ingredient. ridomil gold. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG, 250 g - Nexles. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG is a handy fungicide with double action: systemic and contact. The systemic component is quickly absorbed by the green parts of the plant, transported acropetally, and distributed in the plant ridomil gold. This protects the plant from within, as well as the new growths that occurred shortly after treatment. . ridomil gold.